
Attention: There are only three USA organizations officially recognized by the Japan Karate Association/ Japan Karate Association/WF as member organizations in the United States:

  1. JKA World Federation America (JKA WF America)
  2. JKA American Federation (JKA AF)
  3. JKA Shotokan Karate Do International (JKA SKDI)

These are the only organizations that are officially associated with the Japan Karate Association Headquarters in Japan. They are the only organizations and dojos authorized to use the trade-name or trademarks of the “JKA,” or “JKA/WF” or to conduct business as a JKA affiliate including the issuance of JKA rank, JKA qualification licenses, conduct seminars ,camps, or any other official business under the names “JKA” or “JKA/WF”.

All official member clubs are issued a membership certificate that should be displayed to verify they are a current member of the JKA. Anyone representing that they are a JKA member club without displaying a membership certificate for the current year is not an authorized current member of the JKA in the US.

Demand is made that those unauthorized clubs and individuals that are using the JKA name immediately stop and desist from all references and use of the name of the “Japan Karate Association”. “JKA,” or “JKA/WF” or their trademarks and remove these trade-names and trademarks from any publications.

Yasuaki Nagatomo
Chief Instructor of JKA WF America


6501 Eagle Rock Ave. NE A-1
Albuquerque, NM 87113